Support the Buffalo County Fair in Affiliation with Pepin County and become a 2024 Fair Partner! Your business/organization will be featured on our website and all around the Buffalo County Fairgrounds.

To learn more about the different sponsorship levels, click the link below.

Thank you to our 2024 Fair Partners!


The Buffalo County Agricultural Fair, Inc. board members and the youth of the fair would like to thank our generous donors for their support of the fair. Your continued support helps to ensure the success of the Buffalo County Agricultural Fair. Generous donations help supplement youth exhibit premiums, awards, and entertainment. The fair is an educational venue for youth groups in Buffalo County (including 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, MCYC, and others) to share their projects with the community. We strive to provide age-appropriate education and entertainment for all who visit the fair.

Donations to the fair have also allowed the fair board to add needed updates to the fairgrounds, such as additional pens and gates, fencing, improved water access, electrical updates, and other general maintenance of the fairgrounds. One of the biggest financial undertakings the fair has made in the recent past was the construction of the new open animal barn constructed in 2012. This barn replaced the three old white barns that used to house some of the animals. This new building provides an organized and safe structure for the animals and exhibitors while at the fair. However, without the generous donations and support from our local and surrounding communities, projects like these would not be possible.